How improving morale makes good business sense

A smart man once said, “Treat employees like partners and they act like partners.” These words still ring true today. To get the most from your employees, consider the following tips.

1. Acknowledge dedication

If anyone regularly works late or on the weekends to benefit the company, don’t forget to recognize their commitment. It can be as simple as a sincere “thank you.” If it works for your organization, small tokens of appreciation can make a big difference. People tend to go above and beyond when they know the boss takes notice, and when they feel acknowledged, they’re likely to keep up the habit.

2. Ask for help

A big part of running a business is delegating. When done the right way, asking for help can empower your employees. Requesting help (especially on important tasks) shows your employee that you trust them and find them valuable.

3. Share positive feedback

When a customer speaks kindly of an employee or their work, relay what was said soon after and the good behavior is more apt to be repeated.

4. Provide training

When new technologies can have a positive effect on productivity, show your staff. If cost is prohibitive, consider paying for one person’s training and ask that he or she then prepare a presentation for the rest of the group. Giving an employee this responsibility again shows your trust in them.

5. Be flexible

When employees work hard, day in and day out, be open to their requests to occasionally leave early. Similarly, if a child must stay out of school — requiring the parent to also stay home — ask if working from the house is an option instead of docking a personal day. Showing understanding in these situations helps foster employee satisfaction and loyalty.

6. Let others take the lead

Allowing others to manage a project demonstrates your confidence in their abilities. It also provides an opportunity for employees to shine, giving you and their colleagues a glimpse of their fullest potential.

7. Keep your door open

Being approachable is vital. Whether it’s to report an incident that needs attention or an opportunity that should not be missed, letting employees know you are always accessible can benefit your working relationships and the business’ bottom line.

8. Remove roadblocks

Dealing with faulty equipment or technology can slow down employee momentum, as can archaic company procedures. Ask for recommendations for improvements regularly from employees — and follow through on making suggested changes — to minimize time wasted on the job and to prove that you value your employee’s suggestions.

9. Have fun

Laughter brings people together and having a sense of humor can brighten the darkest workday. Plan fun team-building exercises or activities to blow off some steam. Consider occasional “Friday Fun Days,” where employees can gather socially for a few hours before the weekend, with no work talk allowed.

10. Reward results

Whether based on an employee incentive program or a more informal assessment, it’s important to acknowledge positive outcomes. Buying someone lunch, giving an extra day off, or elevating an employee to a more senior position for a job well done, always makes good business sense.

Have questions? Feel free to leave comments or call me anytime at 800-322-8233.

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