
Looking for a job? Never pay to get one.

You got the job! Work from home and earn top dollar. They already sent you a big check to buy […]

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Join Us In Celebrating Pride Month

Country Bank’s DE&I Council works towards supporting the essence of Country Bank’s longstanding culture of inclusivity and aligning it with […]

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Country Bank Receives Marketing Awards

Country Bank achieved first place with a gold award for its “Made to Make a Difference” rebrand. In May 2022, […]

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TEXT or EMAIL from your bank about Fraud or Freezing your account?

While scammers have the capability to make phone numbers look like they’re coming from your bank, or even change the […]

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What you need to know about Loan Level Pricing Adjustments (LLPA)

You might have heard in the news that it has become more expensive for some borrowers to obtain a mortgage. […]

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National Senior Fraud Awareness Day

What Is Elder Financial Abuse? It’s a crime that deprives older adults of their resources and ultimately their independence. Anyone […]

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Country Bank grants $20,000 to Main South Community Development Corporation

Country Bank proudly supports Main South CDC in Worcester. The Mission of the Main South CDC is to improve the […]

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What is Financial Literacy?

Financial literacy is knowing what finances are and how to spend, save, and manage money effectively. But it’s not a […]

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Country Bank appoints Steven P. Musso, former Chief Operating Officer at FinPro Inc. to its Board of Trustees

April 4, 2023, Country Bank President and CEO Paul F. Scully announced the appointment of Steven P. Musso to the […]

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Showing 28-36 out of 80 results