Personal Finance

Using Credit

Borrowing money makes it possible to afford things that you couldn’t otherwise, but make sure you understand what you’re signing […]

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Refinancing Loans

Making payments on a loan with suboptimal terms can make you feel trapped. Luckily, refinancing can help you find more […]

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How Does Amortization Work

If you’ve ever financed a car or taken out a mortgage, you’ve likely heard the word “amortization” tossed around. It’s […]

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Credit Scores

Your credit score may seem random, but it tells lenders and other creditors a lot about your financial behavior. It’s […]

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Budgeting: Income and Expenses

Income and expenses are two of the most fundamental aspects of a budget. Income To have a budget, you need […]

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Teaching Children About Money

Whether you’re teaching finances to your kids, your grandkids, or those of a loved one, it’s absolutely essential to teach […]

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Savings Accounts

Getting Interested With a savings account, you earn interest, or a percentage of your balance, on the money in your […]

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Money Market Accounts

There are many options for keeping your money safe and earning a little extra from interest. Like a savings account […]

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For those without a retirement plan at work or those looking to maximize their retirement savings, an IRA provides an […]

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Showing 1-9 out of 16 results